
Several formal reading opportunities let students control their own learning.  On-going progress monitoring allows me the opportunity to differentiate my teaching and individualize student learning. 

Whole Group ReadingDuring whole group reading time, we read a variety of texts and focus on a particular reading skill, such as identifying character and setting, retelling the story, or discussing the main idea, etc.  The skill for the week is posted on my homework check sheet so that parents can refer to it for reinforcement.


Small Group Reading:   For small group reading, books based on interest and ability levels are utilized.  Before the beginning of each trimester, the students are formally assessed to determine their progress.  Based on the assessment results and teacher observations, the students will be placed into new reading groups if appropriate.  The purpose is to 1) intervene with struggling students by reteaching skills that have been previously taught, 2) continue with the current curriculum by reinforcing skills taught during whole group reading, or 3) enrich a student's learning by providing instruction above grade-level expectations.


Modeled Reading: I read a variety of texts focusing on fluency and expression.  In addition, I conduct think-alouds in order to model how to make connections, analyze character traits, and use other comprehension strategies. 


The more that you read, the more things you will know.

The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.                                                                                           

                                                   - Dr. Seuss